
Entertainment / Bowling / Drift: The number of boards that you vary from straight in your approach to the foul line. For example, if you place the inside edge of your slide foot on board 15 on the approach, but your inside edge slides on the 12 board at the foul line, you have a three board inward drift.
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Other Words for Drift

Drift Noun Synonyms: intention, meaning, purport, purpose, aim, object, tenor, tone, spirit, color, essence, gist, significance, import
Drift Adjective Synonyms: coast, float, waft
Drift Verb Synonyms: wander, roam, meander, stray, rove, ramble, mosey

Klipdrift Brandy

Entertainment / Liquor / Klipdrift Brandy: South African brandy. MORE

Longshore Drift

Science / Geology / Longshore Drift: The movement of sediment along a coastline caused by waves striking the coast at an oblique angle. The waves wash sediment particles up the beach at an oblique angle and the swash back to the sea carr MORE

Wind Drift

Science / Tides and Currents / Wind Drift: An ocean current in which only the Coriolis and frictional forces are significant. The wind drift embodies an Ekman spiral. MORE

Genetic Drift

Science / Biology / Genetic Drift: Random changes in the frequency of alleles from generation to generation; especially in small populations, can lead to the elimination of a particular allele by chance alone. MORE


Science / Weather / Drifts: Normally used when referring to snow or sand particles are deposited behind obstacles or irregularities of the surface or driven into piles by the wind. MORE

Continental Drift

Science / Marine Biology / Continental Drift: Horizontal movement of continents located in plates moving via sea-floor spreading MORE