Entertainment / Bowling / Error: A missed spare; same as blow. Most players do not count an unmade split as an error, but maybe they should as it was an error on the first ball to come so high!
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Error Adjective Synonyms: mistake, inaccuracy, fault, flaw, blunder, slip, gaffe, misprint, typographical error, erratum, solecism, literal, slip-up, goof, clanger, fluff, boo-boo, howler, bloomer, foul-up, boner, boob
Business / Finance / Measurement Error: Errors in measuring an explanatory variable in a regression, which leads to biases in estimated parameters. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Quantization Error: Error resulting from quantizing an analog waveform to a discrete level. In general the longer the word length, the less the error. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Error 500: Internal Server Error - The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Gross Error: Gross errors are undetected mistakes that cause a measurement to be very much farther from the mean measurement than other measurements. MORE
Technology / Programming / Logic Error: An error that the computer never notices, but that you notice because your darn program doesn't do what you want it to do. MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Forced Error: When an opponent hits a difficult shot that causes the player to miss. As opposed to the unforced error MORE