Entertainment / Bowling / Fast Eight: Describes an apparent good pocket hit that gets just 8 pins; typically the right handed players will leave the 4-7 spare and the left handed players the 6-10; usually the ball is a tad high when this happens.
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Fast Verb Synonyms: quick, swift, fleet, speedy, brisk, brief, hurried, hasty, high-speed, accelerated, expeditious, rapid, express
Fast Adverb Synonyms: closely, close to, immediately, near, (close) on, right
Fast Adjective Synonyms: loose, profligate, wild, extravagant, dissipated, intemperate, irresponsible, sybaritic, self-indulgent, dissolute, unrestrained, indecorous, rakish, licentious, promiscuous, immoral, wanton, lecherous, lustful
Business / Taxes / Overweighted: When you own more of a security, an asset class, or a subclass than your target asset allocation calls for, you are said to be overweighted in that security, asset class, or subclass. For example, if MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Overall Weight: (also 'dead weight') the total weight of a golf club (see also 'swingweight') MORE
Business / Agriculture / Ocean Freight Differential (Under P.L. 480): The difference between the cost of P.L. 480 shipments that are required to be carried on U.S. flag vessels compared to the cost that would have been incurred had they been carried on lower cost foreig MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Negative Weight: Weight on a ball that tends to hold back the hook and/or to get the ball into a roll earlier; bottom weight, negative side weight and thumb weight are considered negative weights. These are considered MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Perimeter-Weighted: (also 'cavity back, cavity-back') a style of club head where the mass is distributed more toward the perimeter (outside edges) of the club head in order to increase the effective size of the center of MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Positive Weight: Weight on a ball that tends to enhance the hook and/or to get the ball into a roll later down the lane; top weight, positive side weight and finger weight are considered positive weights. These are co MORE