Entertainment / Bowling / Flat: A ball that deflects too much; ineffective ball; few revolutions; if a ball comes into the pocket on an apparent good hit but leaves a weak hit such as the 5-7 or 8-10 split, it is said to have hit flat.
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Flat Adverb Synonyms: room(s), flat, suite (of rooms), chambers, tenement, garden flat, maisonette, penthouse, studio, bedsitter, bedsit, accommodation, living quarters, digs , apartment, furnished room, walk-up, duplex, triplex
Flat Noun Synonyms: absolutely, completely, categorically, utterly, wholly, uncompromisingly, irrevocably, positively, definitely, directly, exactly, precisely, flatly
Flat Adjective Synonyms: level, horizontal, even, smooth, plane, unbroken, uninterrupted
Technology / Motorcycle / Flathead: Flathead is a type of engine where the valves are located in the side of the engine. The head of the engine is flat with just a place for the sparkplug. MORE
Business / Construction / Flatwork: Common word for concrete floors, driveways, basements, and sidewalks. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Flattening The Ball: The intentional act of taking power off the ball; often used to throw the ball straighter; usually described as either keeping the wrist behind the ball at the release (no rotation), or even rotating MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Fore-and-Aft Flat Twin: A flat-twin engine mounted with cylinders positioned in line with the frame. MORE
Business / Finance / GDP Implicit Price Deflator: A market strategy in which investors sell stocks to drive prices to a level that breaks through stop orders known to exist. Once the price is low enough, the stop orders become market orders and are e MORE
Business / Finance / Inflation Accounting: The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. MORE