Entertainment / Bowling / High Board: Although lanes are built to certain tolerances, humidity and other factors might cause an individual board to be a hair higher than the others; a ball hitting a high board will tend to stop hooking when it hits the higher board.
Search Google for High Board:
Board Noun Synonyms: plank, scantling, timber
Board Verb Synonyms: go aboard, ship aboard, enter, embark on
High Adverb Synonyms: intoxication, altered consciousness
High Noun Synonyms: anticyclone
High Adjective Synonyms: tall, lofty, elevated, towering
Business / Taxes / Highly Compensated Employees: Highly compensated employees are people whose on-the-job earnings are higher than the level the government has established to differentiate this category of worker. In 2007, that amount is $100,000. I MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Highly Compensated Employee: For the purposes of retirement plans, a highly compensated employee is defined by the IRS as an employee who owns 5% or more of a company or receives compensationin excess of a predetermined amount. T MORE
Business / Finance / Highly Confident Letter: Japanese term for a takeover. MORE
Science / Genetics / Highly Conserved Sequence: Dna sequence that is very similar across several different types of organisms. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Highly Erodible Land (HEL): Land that is very susceptible to erosion, including fields that have at least 1/3 or 50 acres of soils with a natural erosion potential of at least 8 times their T value. More than 140 million acres a MORE
Health / Disease / Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART): A treatment to combat AIDS using several different antiretroviral drugs at the same time. MORE