In The Zone

Entertainment / Bowling / In The Zone: Lined up; in the groove; consistent and powerful. He is zoned.
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Other Words for The

The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz

Other Words for Zone

Zone Noun Synonyms: area, quarter, district, region, sector, section, sphere, belt, territory, province, realm, domain, precinct, bailiwick, department, terrain, circle, locality, locale, turf

Pack-in Game

Entertainment / Video Games / Pack-in Game: A game that comes packaged with a system. For example, the NES pack-in was Super Mario Bros, and the Genesis pack-in was Sonic the Hedgehog. MORE

Packing List

Technology / Motorcycle / Packing List: A Packing List is an alphabetical list of items to be taken with you when you travel on your motorcycle. It may contain categories such as Regular Stuff, Clothes, and Toiletries. Usually it also ident MORE

Pack Hardening

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Pacinian Corpuscles

Science / Biology / Pacinian Corpuscles: Sensory receptors located deep in the epidermis that detect pressure and vibration. MORE

Ozone Layer

Science / Weather / Ozone Layer: An atmospheric layer that contains a high proportion of oxygen that exists as ozone. It acts as a filtering mechanism against incoming ultraviolet radiation. It is located between the troposphere and MORE


Technology / Radar / Pacing: Means the patrol car matches the suspected violator's speed. This is done with a calibrated speedometer or radar inside the patrol vehicle. When speed radar is used in this manner it is actually readi MORE