
Entertainment / Bowling / Length: Length is an evaluation of how far a ball will travel before it begins to hook. Length does not include skid produced by lane conditioner, additional fine sanding, or the use of liquid sandpaper polishes. BTM uses the Danger Zone as a control ball and it has an assigned length value of 2 on a scale of 10.
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Other Words for Length

Length Verb Synonyms: extent, measure, span, reach, size, magnitude, dimension, measurement

Pulse Length Error

Technology / Radar / Pulse Length Error: A range distortion of a radar return caused by the duration of the pulse. The error is always on the far side of the return and is equal to the range equivalent of one half the pulse length. For accur MORE

Pulse Length

Technology / Radar / Pulse Length: The time duration, measured in micro seconds, of a single radar pulse. Also called pulse duration. MORE

Port Length

Technology / Home Audio / Port Length: The measurement of the length of the port tube. MORE