Entertainment / Bowling / Little Rail: The rail or picket fence leave minus the 1-, 7-, or 10-pin.
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Little Adverb Synonyms: scarcely, hardly
Little Noun Synonyms: small, short, slight, tiny, minute, diminutive, miniature, mini, baby, doll-sized, undersized, dwarf, midget, pygmy, elfin, toy, bantam, petite, wee, infinitesimal, minuscule, Lilliputian, teeny, teeny-weeny, teensy-weensy, itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy
Little Adjective Synonyms: small, sparse, skimpy, meager, scant, insufficient, inadequate, not enough, scanty, barely or hardly any
Little Verb Synonyms: young, small, youthful
Rail Noun Synonyms: bar, rod, handrail, foot-rail , towel-rail, railing, banisters, balustrade, baluster, fence
Technology / Motorcycle / Trail Bike: A lightweight motorcycle for riding on trails and rough surfaces. Also known as a Dirt Bike or Off-Road motorcycle. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Trail Braking: Keeping the brakes on late into a corner, after initial braking has taken place. A motorcycle riding and driving technique where the brakes are used beyond the entrance to a turn and are gradually rel MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Trail: The distance from the front axle’s vertical position on the ground, to the spot in front of it created by drawing a straight line from the angle of the forks. (Compare Rake). Trail is often cited as MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Rake and Trail: Rake is the angle of the fork away from vertical toward the rider. Trail is the distance on the ground between a vertical line dropped straight down from the center of the wheel and a projection of th MORE
Business / Construction / Railroad Tie: Black, tar and preservative impregnated, 6' X 8' and 6'-8' long wooden timber that was used to hold railroad track in place. Normally used as a member of a retaining wall. MORE