Entertainment / Bowling / Pot Game: A type of gambling competition in which two or more bowlers put money in the pot and the high scorer wins it all.
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Game Adjective Synonyms: gamble
Game Noun Synonyms: amusement, pastime, diversion, distraction, recreation, play, sport
Pot Noun Synonyms: pan, saucepan, cauldron, cook-pot, stewpot, kettle
Pot Verb Synonyms: pot-belly, paunch, gut, corporation, beer belly, spare tire, bay window
Science / Marine Biology / Redox-Potential Discontinuity: That depth below the sediment-water interface marking the transition from chemically oxidative to reducing processes MORE
Business / Finance / Rehypothecation: Pledging to banks by securities brokers of the amount in customers' margin account as collateral for broker loans, which are used to cover margin loans to customers for margin purchases and selling sh MORE
Science / Biology / Resting Potential: The difference in electrical charge across the plasma membrane of a neuron. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Previous Spot: Where the ball was snapped to begin the last play. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Prairie Potholes: A type of wetland that is at the center of a shallow depression characteristic of glaciated areas in the Upper Midwest (North Dakota especially). Many potholes are wet during only a portion of the yea MORE