Entertainment / Bowling / Rev Leverage: A drilling with the pin 4-1/2 and the CG 3-3/8 from the bowler's PAP. The CG is placed down in the thumb and positive quadrant of the ball and the extra hole is located 6 3/4 from the pin on a line through the CG. The ball must have a 3+ inch pin out to start.
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Science / Geology / Reverse Fault: A fault with vertical movement and an inclined fault plane. The block above the fault has moved upwards relative to the block below the fault. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Reverse Dribble: A dribble move used to change directions. Also called a spin dribble. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Reverse Index: An index of keywords which stores records of matching documents that contain those keywords. MORE
Business / Finance / Reverse Leverage: Occurs when the interest on borrowings exceeds the return on investment of the funds that were borrowed. MORE
Business / Finance / Reverse Leveraged Buyout: Bringing back into publicly traded status a company that had been privatized by way of a leveraged buyout. MORE
Technology / Email / Reverse DNS: The process in which an IP address is matched correctly to a domain name, instead of a domain name being matched to an IP address. Reverse DNS is a popular method for catching spammers who use invalid MORE