
Entertainment / Bowling / Rock: The bowling ball.
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Other Words for Rock

Rock Noun Synonyms: stone, boulder
Rock Adjective Synonyms: crag, tor, escarpment, scarp, outcrop, outcropping

Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR)

Technology / Rockets / Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR): CAR is the Canadian Association of Rocketry and it's essentially the Canadian version of the NAR and Tripoli Rocketry Association all rolled into one. MORE

National Association of Rocketry (NAR)

Technology / Rockets / National Association of Rocketry (NAR): NAR is the National Association of Rocketry which is the organization which regulates the industry by setting standards for safety in the field as well as rules for competitions. They test and safety MORE

Rockwell Hardness Test

Business / Machine Shop / Rockwell Hardness Test: The most common hardness testing method. This procedure uses a minor load to prevent surface irregularities from affecting results. There are nine different Rockwell hardness tests corresponding to co MORE

Igneous Rock

Science / Geology / Igneous Rock: A rock formed by the crystallization of magma or lava. Pictures of Igneous Rocks MORE

Rock Salt

Science / Geology / Rock Salt: A chemical sedimentary rock that forms from the evaporation of ocean or saline lake waters. It is also known by the mineral name 'halite'. It is rarely found at Earth's surface, except in areas of ver MORE

Solid Rocket Booster (SBR)

Technology / Rockets / Solid Rocket Booster (SBR): Solid Rocket Boosters are boosters which are strapped onto the side of a rocket to assist in liftoff which then fall away from the rocket once the solid propellant has burned out. Examples of NASA roc MORE