Entertainment / Bowling / Split Leave: A leave on which some of the remaining pins are rather widely separated, making a spare relatively difficult. The 7-10 is the most difficult to convert.
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Leave Verb Synonyms: go or run off, deviate from
Leave Noun Synonyms: go (away or off), depart, set off, be off, get away or off, retire, retreat, withdraw, decamp, (make an) exit, run, be gone, bid (someone or something) goodbye, say goodbye or adieu (to), take (one's) leave (of), quit, desert, pull out, check out, fly
Split Verb Synonyms: crack, cleft, fissure, chink, cranny, slit, slot, crevice, groove, furrow, channel, sulcus, gap, hiatus, lacuna, opening, separation, division, chasm, rift, break, rupture, fracture, slash, gash, tear, rip, rent
Business / Finance / Split Order: A municipal bond issue that is made up of serial bonds and term maturity bonds. MORE
Business / Finance / Split Offering: A commission shared between a broker and a financial adviser or other professional who brought the customer to the broker. MORE
Technology / Motors / Split Phase Start: Motor which employs a main winding and an auxiliary winding, which is called the starting winding. The windings are unlike and thereby 'split' the single phase of the power supply by causing a phase d MORE
Business / Finance / Split Print: A large securities transaction that is divided into smaller orders that are spread out over some period of time to avoid large fluctuations in the market price. MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Split Step: A footwork technique, doing a small hop just before the opponent hits the ball. MORE
Business / Finance / Split Rating: Block trade printed at two different prices. Often used in dividend rolls to get an average price equal to the dividend. MORE