Entertainment / Bowling / Spot Bowling: Using a particular target on the lane, rather than the pins themselves, as an aiming point. Many bowlers use the range finders, for example.
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Spot Verb Synonyms: mark, patch, speck, blot, blotch, blemish, speckle, fleck, particle, mote, macula, smudge, stain, stigma, discoloration, splodge or also splotch
Spot Noun Synonyms: morsel, bit, bite, smidgen or smidgin
Spot Adjective Synonyms: site, place, locale, location, locality, scene, setting, section, area, neighborhood, quarter
Life Style / Painting / Spot Prime: The process of applying a primer to areas where paint has been removed or stripped to the original surface. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Spot Price: The price at which a physical commodity for immediate delivery is selling at a given time and place. See cash price. MORE
Life Style / Painting / Spot Priming: A method of protecting localized spots. The only areas primed are those that require additional protection due to rusting or peeling of the former coat. MORE
Business / Finance / Spot Rate: The current market price of the actual physical commodity. Also called cash price. Current delivery price of a commodity traded in the spot market, in which goods are sold for cash and delivered immed MORE
Health / Fitness / Spot Reducing: A popular but false assumption that an individual can 'burn' fat only in desired areas. Fat is not reduced selectively from exercised areas, but rather from total fat stored throughout the body. MORE
Business / Finance / Spot Rate Curve: The theoretical yield on a zero-coupon Treasury security. MORE