Entertainment / Bowling / Working Ball: A ball that has action and mix to scramble the pins; a hard charging effective ball.
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Entertainment / Football / Loose Ball: A ball that is not in possession of either team, such as after a fumble or a kickoff; it can be recovered by either team. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Lose The Ball: The dropping of the ball off your hand early; the ball slipping out of your hand. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Lost Ball: Any ball that cannot be found within five minutes of beginning a search for it (see also 'provisional ball') MORE
Business / Finance / Low Ball: Slang for making an offer well below the fair value of an asset in hopes that the seller may be desperate to sell. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Looping The Ball: A slow big hook. Also, the act of bringing your throwing hand behind your back in your armswing as it loops from out to in; generally not desirable. See also armswing, inside out armswing and outside MORE
Entertainment / Football / Live Ball Foul: A foul given for various infractions such as changing numbers during a game MORE