Entertainment / Fantasy Football / Performance Scoring System: A scoring system where players are given bonus points for passing/rushing/receiving milestones. For instance, some leagues will award one point for every 10 rushing yards. Or maybe five points for every 300 passing yards in addition to basic scoring.
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Performance Verb Synonyms: execution, completion, bringing off or about, accomplishment, effectuation, carrying out, discharge, dispatch, conduct, carrying-on, doing, fulfilment
Performance Noun Synonyms: playing, acting, interpretation, presentation, portrayal
System Noun Synonyms: scheme, method, approach, modus operandi, way, procedure, methodology, technique, plan, process, practice, routine
System Adjective Synonyms: organized whole, organization, set, group, combination, structure, arrangement, pattern, set-up
Entertainment / Golf / Peoria Scoring System: A system of scoring where 6 secret holes are selected, prior to the tournament, and a formula is applied using the scores from those 6 holes to determine a final score (more on tournament formats) MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Pay For Performance (PFP): Payment structure where affiliated sales workers are paid commission for getting consumers to perform certain actions. Publishers publishing contextual ads are typically paid per ad click. Affiliate m MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Performance Appraisal: A periodic review and evaluation of an individual's job performance. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Performance Art: Multimedia art form involving visual as well as dramatic and musical elements. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Performance Based Inspection System (PBIS): A computer-based system used by USDA’s meat and poultry inspection agency, the Food Safety and Inspection Service. The system organizes inspection requirements, schedules inspection activities, and MORE
Business / Finance / Performance Attribution Analysis: The decomposition of a money manager's performance results to explain the reasons why those results were achieved. This analysis seeks to answer questions such as: (1) What were the major sources of a MORE