Live Ball Foul

Entertainment / Football / Live Ball Foul: A foul given for various infractions such as changing numbers during a game
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Other Words for Foul

Foul Verb Synonyms: offensive, loathsome, disgusting, obnoxious, revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, sickening, nauseous, nauseating, nasty, beastly, fulsome
Foul Adjective Synonyms: smelly, stinking, noisome, fetid or foetid, rank, evil-smelling, foul-smelling, malodorous, musty, mephitic, graveolent

Other Words for Live

Live Adverb Synonyms: living, breathing, animate, viable, existent, material, physical, tangible, real, actual, palpable
Live Adjective Synonyms: burning, glowing, flaming, alight, red-hot, white-hot
Live Verb Synonyms: reside, dwell, be, abide, stay, remain, lodge, room

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