
Entertainment / Football / Rac: Short for Run After Catch. Amount of yardage gained after successful pass reception. A quarterback's length of pass is the distance from where the line of scrimmage is, to where the receiver caught the ball, plus RAC, and can then also include YAC. YAC is the distance the ball carrier ran after contact with a defender is/was made. Screen plays boosts RAC effectively due to the short passes, and the receiver has to run to increase yardage. Not to be confused with YAC (Yardage after Contact) where the ball carrier (receiver in this example) gains additional yardage after contact with/by a defender; often a measure of strength/toughness.
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Cafe Racer

Technology / Motorcycle / Cafe Racer: A style of motorcycle popularized in London in the ’50s where bikers wanted a fast, personalized and distinctive bike to travel from cafe to cafe. Many Cafe Racer bikes have distinctive small low-cu MORE


Science / Chemistry / Racemic: A mixture of equal parts of the levorotatory and dextrorotatory isomers of the the same substance. Racemic mixtures are not optically active. MORE


Science / Biology / Race: A subdivision of a species that is capable of interbreeding with other members of the species. MORE