
Entertainment / Golf / Aboard: (Also 'dancing, on the dance floor') safely on the green with an approach shot
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Life Style / Travel / Purser: Aboard ship, the person responsible for providing a wide array of services such as information, making change, stamps, etc. Found at the purser's desk. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Gradatio: Extended anadiplosis (see above). Unlike regular anadiplosis, gradatio continues the pattern of repetition from clause to clause. For instance, in The Caine Mutiny the captain declares: Aboard my ship MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Anadiplosis: (Greek 'doubling') Repeating the last word of a clause at the beginning of the next clause. As Nietzsche said, 'Talent is an adornment, an adornment is also a concealment.' Ann Landers once claimed, ' MORE