All Square

Entertainment / Golf / All Square: Term used in match play scoring to indicate that the match is even at present (abbreviated as 'as' on scoreboard)
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Other Words for Square

Square Verb Synonyms: equal, on a par, even, on equal terms, settled, balanced
Square Noun Synonyms: equilateral, quadrangular, rectangular, right-angled, quadrilateral, four-sided, cubic, cubed, six-sided, boxy
Square Adjective Synonyms: healthful, healthy, nutritious, substantial, solid, full, generous, satisfying, filling, unstinting


Entertainment / Photography / Parallax: Difference between the image seen by a viewing system and that recorded on film. Only ttl viewing systems avoid parallax error. MORE

Parallax Inequality

Science / Tides and Currents / Parallax Inequality: The variation in the range of tide or in the speed of a tidal current due to changes in the distance of the Moon from the Earth. The range of tide and speed of the current tend alternately to increase MORE

Parallax Reduction

Science / Tides and Currents / Parallax Reduction: A processing of observed high and low waters to obtain quantities depending upon changes in the distance of the Moon, such as perigean and apogean ranges. MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Pallilalia: word or phrase is repeated MORE


Health / Dentistry / Palliative: Treatment that relieves pain but is NOT curative. MORE


Science / Astrology / Pallas: Asteroid named for Greek goddess of war. Represents feminism, wisdom, crafts, news, politics, travel, sport, science and technology. MORE