Entertainment / Golf / Automatic Two-Putt: When a golf course declares that players may consider the ball to be holed in no more than two putts once their ball is on the putting surface (most commonly because of aeration or temporary greens in course maintenance or repair situations)
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Automatic Adjective Synonyms: self-acting, self-governing, self-regulating, mechanical, robot, automated
Technology / Aviation / Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS): Continuous broadcast of recorded non-control information in selected terminal areas, to improve controller effectiveness and to relieve frequency congestion by automating repetitive transmissions of e MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Automatic Tide Gauge: An instrument that automatically registers the rise and fall of the water level. In some instruments, the registration is accomplished by recording the heights at regular time intervals in digital for MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Automatic Stop: A device which may be attached to any of several parts of a machine tool to stop the operation of the machine at any predetermined point. MORE
Business / Finance / Automatic Stay: The restricting of liabilityholders from collection efforts related to collateral seizure. Automatically imposed when a firm files for bankruptcy under Chapter 11. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Automatic Music Search (AMS): A feature that allows a CD or cassette mechanism to skip forward or backwards to another track. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Automatic Tuner Activation (ATA): A feature that allows the tuner to be accessed while a tape deck is rewinding or fast forwarding. MORE