Entertainment / Golf / Bag Drop: A place where golfers unload their bags from cars, etc., before parking at golf courses
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Bag Noun Synonyms: sack, shopping bag, reticule, string bag, carrier bag, poke, pocket
Bag Verb Synonyms: catch, trap, ensnare, snare, entrap, capture, land, kill, shoot
Drop Noun Synonyms: bit, spot, particle, taste, dram, sip, nip, pinch, dash, dab, smidgen or smidgin
Drop Verb Synonyms: globule, bead, drip, droplet, tear
Entertainment / Golf / Free Drop: (also 'free relief') dropping the ball without penalty in any number of situations allowed by the rules of golf (more on rules of golf) MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Four-Bagger: Four consecutive strikes. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Garbage Goal: A goal that takes little talent to score. Most such goals are scored from right in front of the net, often when the goaltender is out of position. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Garbage Hit or Strike: Any hit that produces a strike when it shouldn't, as when it misses the pocket. MORE
Science / Biology / Hydrophobic: Water-fearing.Term applied to nonpolar molecules that cannot bond with water. MORE
Science / Biology / Hydrophilic: Water-loving. Term applied to polar molecules that can form a hydrogen bond with water. MORE