Entertainment / Golf / Balloon: (more commonly 'ballooning', also 'upshooter, upshooting') excessive climbing or lifting of a shot beyond its normal trajectory, usually into the wind and usually causing the shot to fall short of the intended distance
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Science / Spiders / Ballooning: Aeronautical dispersal by means of air currents acting on strands of silk. MORE
Science / Weather / Pilot Balloon: A small balloon whose ascent is used to determine the direction and speed of low level atmospheric winds. Also known as a pibal. MORE
Business / Loan / Balloon Payment: A scheduled payment due at the end of a loan term that is substantially greater than the regular monthly payments. This may be a very large payment. It is designed to occur when the regular payments d MORE
Business / Taxes / Balloon Mortgage: With a balloon mortgage, you make monthly payments over the mortgage term, which is typically five, seven, or ten years, and a final installment, or balloon payment, that is significantly larger than MORE
Business / Finance / Balloon Interest: In the context of serial bond issues, the elevated coupon rate on bonds with late maturities. MORE
Business / Finance / Balloon Maturity: Any large principal payment due at maturity for a bond or loan with or without a sinking fund requirement. MORE