Entertainment / Golf / Be Right: (also 'be the number') an expression popularized by tour players on television, usually indicative of a well-struck shot that is proceeding in the desired direction with the only question being the distance that the ball will travel: a plea or wish, short for 'be the right club' or 'be the right distance'
Search Google for Be Right:
Right Verb Synonyms: just, moral, good, proper, correct, legal, lawful, licit, honest, upright, righteous, virtuous, ethical, fair, true, honourable, right-minded, principled, open, above-board
Right Adverb Synonyms: well, satisfactorily, advantageously, profitably, favourably, opportunely
Right Noun Synonyms: sound, sane, normal, rational, lucid, healthy
Right Adjective Synonyms: rightist, right-wing, conservative, reactionary, Tory
Business / Finance / More Behind It: Used in the context of general equities. More stock exists to be bought or sold by the same buyer or seller, respectively. Often, the buyer or seller does not disclose the full size of its buy or sell MORE
Life Style / Travel / Murphy Bed: A bed that folds or swings into a closet or cabinet when not in use. Where offered in cruise accommodations, a murphy bed is typically used for the third or fourth occupants of the stateroom. MORE
Science / Biology / Muscle Fibers: Long, multinucleated cells found in skeletal muscles; made up of myofibrils. One of the four major groups of vertebrate cell/tissue types. Muscle cells contract/relax, allowing movement of and/or with MORE