
Entertainment / Golf / Bite: (also sometimes 'check, grab, hold, sit, sit down, hit a house' and so on) 1. A command issued to the ball by a player who believes their ball is going too far or too fast 2. The act of the ball stopping quickly as a result of backspin
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Other Words for Bite

Bite Noun Synonyms: mouthful, morsel, scrap, bit, piece, taste, snack, nosh
Bite Verb Synonyms: nip, chew, gnaw

Prohibited Area

Technology / Aviation / Prohibited Area: Airspace designated under FAR Part 73 within which no person may operate an aircraft without the permission of the using agency. It is most always distinctly marked on the VFR sectional maps. MORE

Sound Bite

Technology / Television (TV) / Sound Bite: In a news package, a short piece of audio that was recorded on location. MORE


Science / Biology / Trilobites: A group of benthonic, detritus-feeding, extinct marine invertebrate animals (phylum Arthropoda), having skeletons of an organic compound called chitin. Trilobites appear in abundance early in the Camb MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Ambitendency: series or tentative, incomplete movements carried out when a voluntary action is anticipated. MORE


Health / Dentistry / Overbite: A condition in which the upper teeth excessively overlap the lower teeth when the jaw is closed. This condition can be corrected with orthodontics. MORE

Ankle Biter

Business / Finance / Ankle Biter: Stock issued with a market capitalization of less than $500 million. MORE