
Entertainment / Golf / Bulge: (also 'horizontal bulge') the curve of the face of a wood (across, from heel to toe) which helps shots hit toward the heel or toe curve back in the direction of the center
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Other Words for Bulge

Bulge Noun Synonyms: lump, hump, protuberance, bump, swelling, projection
Bulge Verb Synonyms: protrude, stick out, swell (out)

Horizontal Bulge

Entertainment / Golf / Horizontal Bulge: (also simply 'bulge') the curve of the face of a wood (across, from heel to toe) which helps shots hit toward the heel or toe curve back in the direction of the center MORE

Bulge Bracket

Business / Finance / Bulge Bracket: A tier of firms in an underwriting syndicate that have the highest participation level. See: Mezzanine bracket. MORE