Bumping It

Entertainment / Golf / Bumping It: (also 'improving your lie, preferred lies, winter rules') altering the ball's position, or the way it rests (lies) on the ground, so as to make the it easier to contact cleanly -- mainly put into effect when course conditions are not acceptable for playing the ball down, usually due to wet, soggy conditions)
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Health / Dentistry / Pericoronitis: An inflammation of the gum tissue around the crown of a tooth, usually the third molar. MORE


Health / Dentistry / Peri-Implantitis: General term defining disease process surrounding and/or involving implanted foreign materials. Can be traumatic, ulcerative, resorptive, exfoliative. MORE


Science / Geology / Peridotite: A dark-colored, coarse-grained igneous rock that is made up mainly of olivine and pyroxene, with very little quartz or feldspar. Picture of Peridotite. MORE