Entertainment / Golf / Can: (also 'jar') another term for the hole or cup
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Life Style / Holiday / Canada Day: Canada Day celebrates the events that occurred on July 1, 1867, when the British North America Act created the Canadian federal government. The BNA Act proclaimed 'one Dominion under the name of Canad MORE
Business / Finance / Cancel: The CEG is an association among the Toronto Stock Exchange, the Montreal Exchange, the Vancouver Stock Exchange, the Alberta Stock Exchange, and the Winnipeg Stock Exchange for the purpose of providin MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Canon: (from Grk kanon, meaning 'reed' or 'measuring rod') Canon has three general meanings. (1) An approved or traditional collection of works. Originally, the term 'canon' applied to the list of books to b MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / North American Numbering Council (NANC): The FCC advisory group formerly responsible for administering the North American Numbering Plan that oversees assignment of area codes, central office codes and other numbering issues in the United St MORE
Life Style / Holiday / Canadian Thanksgiving: The second Monday in October Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving. The Sunday before Thanksgiving Monday is often marked at Christian churches by services thanking God not only for the harvest of food, bu MORE