
Entertainment / Golf / Card: 1. Scorecard 2. To record a score on the scorecard
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Other Words for Card

Card Noun Synonyms: playing-card, pasteboard

Cardinal Signs

Science / Astrology / Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, which fall naturally at the cardinal points in a horoscope; east, north, west, and south, respectively, points indicated by the angles. Cardinal signs are associat MORE

Network Card

Technology / Computers / Network Card: Also, Network Interface Card or NIC. This is a component of a computer that enables the computer to communicate with other computers via a direct network connection. MORE


Technology / Computers / PC Card (PCMCIA): PCMCIA stands for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. Roughly credit-card sized, it is an expansion adapter for notebook and laptop PCs. They are removable modules that can be man MORE

Cardiac Muscle

Science / Biology / Cardiac Muscle: The type of muscle that is found in the walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle is striated but branched, unlike the straight-shaped striated skeletal muscle cells. MORE

Gray Card

Entertainment / Photography / Gray Card: Card with an 18 percent gray tint (reflectance) used to determine exposure by taking a meter reading from subject light reflected by the card. MORE

Myocardial Infarction

Health / First Aid / Myocardial Infarction: Heart attack: bleeding or blockage cuts off blood flow to part of the heart muscle MORE