Cart Path

Entertainment / Golf / Cart Path: Area specifically for the purpose of driving motorized golf carts (usually, but not always, having an artificial surface)
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Other Words for Cart

Cart Noun Synonyms: handcart, pushcart, trolley, barrow, wagon or also waggon
Cart Verb Synonyms: carry, convey, move, lug, drag, tote, transport, bring, haul, schlep

Other Words for Path

Path Noun Synonyms: way, course, track, route, road, orbit, trajectory, circuit
Path Adjective Synonyms: footpath, pathway, tow-path, track, trail, walk, walkway, footway


Technology / Computers / Path: A path can be described as a file's address on your file system, describing where the file lives: An absolute path gives the complete path, starting at the root directory, or the very top of the file MORE

Path Length

Science / Chemistry / Path Length: In absorption spectroscopy, the length of a path taken by radiation through a sample. MORE

Path-Dependent Option

Business / Finance / Path-Dependent Option: An option whose value depends on the sequence of prices of the underlying asset rather than just the final price of the asset. MORE

Pathetic Fallacy

Life Style / Poetry / Pathetic Fallacy: An expression that endows inanimate things with human feelings. MORE

Parasympathetic System

Science / Biology / Parasympathetic System: The subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that reverses the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. Part of the autonomic nervous system that controls heartbeat, respiration and other vital f MORE

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Health / Fitness / Parasympathetic Nervous System: Branch of the autonomic nervous system that slows the heart rate. MORE