
Entertainment / Golf / Cast: 1. A common tendency to actively uncock the wrists and throw the club with the hands too early in the downswing in an attempt to accelerate the club or square the face 2. (as in 'cast irons') a process of manufacturing clubheads where stainless steel (containing varying amounts of nickel) is poured into a mold in molten state and removed as one piece
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Other Words for Cast

Cast Verb Synonyms: throw, toss, pitch, fling, sling, hurl, dash, send, chuck, shy
Cast Noun Synonyms: throw, toss, pitch, shy, lob, thrust, chuck

Cast Iron

Business / Machine Shop / Cast Iron: A family of alloys, containing more than 2% carbon and between 1 and 3% silicon. Cast irons are not malleable when solid and most have low ductility and poor resistance to impact loading. There are fo MORE

Die Cast (Basket)

Technology / Home Audio / Die Cast (Basket): A type of speaker basket or frame that is cast as a single piece of relatively thick, rigid metal. This contrasts with a Stamped frame that is shaped by pressure, much like a car body fender. Cast met MORE


Science / Weather / Nowcast: A short-term weather forecast for expected conditions in the next few hours. MORE