Entertainment / Golf / Chase: 1. A pronounced lateral movement of the upper body in the downswing in an attempt to keep the hands and body mass in front of the club head through impact (usually for the purpose of lowering the trajectory of a shot) 2. To run the ball along the ground instead of carry it through the air
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Chase Noun Synonyms: hunting, hunt, pursuit
Business / Agriculture / Purchase Of Development Rights (PDR): The acquisition of property development rights through voluntary sale by the landowner to a government agency or land trust. The government agency or land trust acquiring development rights typically MORE
Business / Loan / Purchase Money Loan: A loan for the purpose of purchasing a home. MORE
Business / Finance / Purchase Order: A written order to buy specified goods at a stipulated price. MORE
Business / Accounting / Purchase Returns And Allowances: A contra-purchase account used for recording the return of, or allowances for, previously purchased merchandise. MORE
Business / Finance / Purchase-Money Mortgage: A mortgage given by a buyer in lieu of cash when the buyer is unable to borrow commercially for the purchase of property. MORE
Business / Accounting / Purchase Method: A method used to prepare consolidated financial statements when one company has acquired a controlling interest in another company with similar activities by exchanging cash or other assets for more t MORE