Continuous Putting

Entertainment / Golf / Continuous Putting: A common practice where a player, having putted the ball close to the hole, chooses to finish putting rather than to mark their ball and wait to finish until their turn is decided by distance from the hole
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Other Words for Continuous

Continuous Adjective Synonyms: incessant, persistent, perpetual, non-stop, unceasing, ceaseless, constant, unremitting, interminable, endless, unending, continual
Continuous Verb Synonyms: connected, unbroken, uninterrupted

Continuous Tone

Entertainment / Photography / Continuous Tone: Term applied to monochrome negatives and prints, where the image contains a gradation of density from white through gray to black, which represents a variety of subject luminosities. MORE

Continuous Spectrum

Science / Chemistry / Continuous Spectrum: A plot of the relative absorbance or intensity of emitted light vs. Wavelength or frequency that shows a smooth variation, rather than a series of sharp peaks or bands. MORE

Continuous Shooting

Technology / Digital Cameras / Continuous Shooting: Successive images in rapid sequence; relatively slow in digital cameras. MORE

Continuous Variation

Science / Biology / Continuous Variation: Occurs when the phenotypes of traits controlled by a single gene cannot be sorted into two distinct phenotypic classes, but rather fall into a series of overlapping classes. MORE

Continuous Wave Radar (CW Radar)

Technology / Radar / Continuous Wave Radar (CW Radar): Continuous wave (cw) radar continually transmits energy in the direction of the target and receives back reflection of the continuous wave. MORE

Putting Green

Entertainment / Golf / Putting Green: (also 'green, putting surface, dance floor') the most closely mown and smooth (hopefully) area on the course, which is specifically prepared for putting and on which the hole is placed MORE