Entertainment / Golf / Cpm: ('cycles per minute') most common unit used in measuring shaft flexes or frequencies (more precise than l, r, s, x, etc.)
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Business / Internet Marketing / Maximum Cpm: A maximum CPM bid is the highest amount that you're willing to pay for each 1000 impressions your ad receives. CPM stands for cost-per-thousand impressions. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM): A statistical metric used to quantify the average value / cost of Pay Per Click advertisements. M - from the Roman numeral for one thousand. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Cost Per Thousand (CPM): The cost of reaching 1,000 homes or individuals with a specific advertising message. CPM is a standard advertising measure to compare the relative cost efficiency of different programs, stations, or m MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Cost Per Mill (CPM): The advertising rate charged to TV sponsors, which is quantified per thousand viewers. 'Mil' equals 'thousand,' from the Latin word mile. Thus, the CPM is the cost per thousand viewers. MORE