Entertainment / Golf / Cut: 1. (also 'cut shot, fade') a shot which (for a right-handed player) curves gently from left to right 2. (also 'cut line') the required score to qualify for further play in a tournament 3. Refers to the act or location of 'cutting' the hole into the putting green surface 4. A height at which the grass is mowed (e.g., fairway, rough, etc.), referred to as the first cut, second cut, etc.
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Cut Adjective Synonyms: abridged, abbreviated, cut-down, shortened, edited, curtailed
Cut Verb Synonyms: gash, slash, incision, nick, wound
Cut Noun Synonyms: share, portion, percentage, piece, dividend, commission
Science / Weather / Cut-Off Low: A closed cold core low completely removed from the primary westerly flow. Cutoff lows may remain detached from the westerlies for days while exhibiting very little forward (eastward) progress. In some MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Formed Cutters: Milling cutters, which will produce shaped surfaces with a single cut are so designed that they may be sharpened without changing their outline or shape. MORE