Entertainment / Golf / Dog Track: (derogatory) a run-down, poorly maintained or poorly designed golf course
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Track Adjective Synonyms: follow, dog, pursue, trace, stalk, shadow, trail, hunt down, chase, tail
Track Noun Synonyms: line, rail(s), way, railway, railroad
Track Verb Synonyms: path, trail, route, footpath, course, road, street, alley
Science / Weather / Storm Tracks: The path or tracks generally followed by a cyclonic disturbance. MORE
Business / Finance / Statistical Tracking Error: Theory that the firm's capital structure is determined by a trade-off of the value of tax shields against the costs of bankruptcy. MORE
Science / Weather / Sun Dog: Either of two colored luminous spots that appear at roughly 22° on both sides of the sun at the same elevation. They are caused by the refraction of sunlight passing through ice crystals. They are mo MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Track: Either ball track, which is the area on the surface of the ball upon which the ball rotates as it goes down the lane; or. the area of a lane where most players in that center throw their normal strike MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Track Day: Organized events in which members of the public are allowed to ride motorcycles around established racing circuits. Criteria for being eligible to participate is usually the holding of a motorcycle li MORE
Technology / Radar / Selectable Direction Tracking: This mode of radar operation allows the operator to monitor targets that are only going toward the patrol vehicle, away from it, or in both directions. Example: decatur gvp-d police radar gun w/ k-ban MORE