Drive For Show And Putt For Dough

Entertainment / Golf / Drive For Show And Putt For Dough: Cliché referring to the fact that hitting long beautiful tee shots may look nice and be impressive, but good putting, more often than not, will be responsible for scoring and, therefore, winning matches, tournaments, bets, money, etc.
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Other Words for Drive

Drive Noun Synonyms: push, propel, impel, urge, press, thrust, move, motivate, actuate, prod, spur, goad, urge, force, make, compel, coerce, constrain, oblige, pressure or pressurize, high-pressure, induce, require, demand
Drive Verb Synonyms: stab, plunge, thrust, sink, push, send, dig, ram

Other Words for For

For Noun Synonyms: representing, championing, in favour of, on or and also in behalf of, on the side of, in support of, in the service of, as a service to, for the benefit of, pro
For Preposition Synonyms: instead of, in place of, representing, as a replacement for, on or and in behalf of, in return or exchange for, in compensation or recompense or payment or repayment for, in requital for

Other Words for Show

Show Verb Synonyms: display, present, expose, demonstrate, indicate, exhibit, manifest, (lay) bare, disclose, reveal, betray, make known, divulge, register, express, make clear or plain or manifest, elucidate, clarify, explain
Show Noun Synonyms: prove, demonstrate, confirm, corroborate, verify, substantiate, bear out, certify, authenticate

Performance Management

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Performance Management: The process of maintaining or improving employee job performance through the use of performance assessment tools, coaching and counseling as well as providing continuous feedback. MORE

Performance Measurement

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Performance Improvement Plan

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Performance Fund

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Performance Evaluation

Business / Finance / Performance Evaluation: The assessment of a manager's results, which involves, first, determining whether the money manager added value by outperforming the established benchmark (performance measurement) and, second, determ MORE

Performance Measures

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