
Entertainment / Golf / Drop: When the ball is released by hand (with an extended arm at shoulder height) and put back in play after being lifted under various situations within the rules of golf
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Other Words for Drop

Drop Verb Synonyms: globule, bead, drip, droplet, tear
Drop Noun Synonyms: bit, spot, particle, taste, dram, sip, nip, pinch, dash, dab, smidgen or smidgin


Science / Weather / Dropsonde: A radiosonde dropped with a parachute from an aircraft rather than lifted by a balloon to measure the atmosphere below. MORE


Health / Disease / Dropsy: A contraction for hydropsy. The presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid. Congestive heart failure MORE

Dropping The Mitts

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Dropping The Mitts: A fight. MORE

Drop, The

Business / Finance / Drop, The: The fixing of the interest rate on a floating-rate note or preferred stock if it falls to a specified level. MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Drop-In-Loading: Feature in all advanced photo system cameras that virtually eliminates film-loading problems by automatically accepting the leader less cassette. MORE

Drop-Off Charge

Life Style / Travel / Drop-Off Charge: The fee added to a car rental when the vehicle is returned to a city other than where it was originally rented. In some states, there is no drop off fee most of the time, such as in florida. MORE