Drop Area

Entertainment / Golf / Drop Area: An area of ground (usually marked with a white circle and labeled 'drop area' or 'da', etc.) Where players can drop their ball, usually in situations where there is not another practical area to take a drop or for maintenance reasons
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Other Words for Area

Area Noun Synonyms: space, room

Other Words for Drop

Drop Verb Synonyms: globule, bead, drip, droplet, tear
Drop Noun Synonyms: bit, spot, particle, taste, dram, sip, nip, pinch, dash, dab, smidgen or smidgin

Marine Protected Area

Science / Marine Biology / Marine Protected Area: A conservation geographic unit designed to protect crucial communities and to provide reproductive reserves for fisheries that hopefully will disperse over wider areas. MORE

Major Trading Area (MTA)

Technology / Cell Phones / Major Trading Area (MTA): Usually composed of several contiguous basic trading areas. A service area designed by Rand McNally and adopted by the FCC. There are 51 MTAs in the United States. MORE

Major Land Resource Area (MLRA)

Business / Agriculture / Major Land Resource Area (MLRA): Major land resource areas are geographically associated land resource units delineated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service and characterized by a particular pattern that combines soils, wate MORE

Local Calling Area

Technology / Cell Phones / Local Calling Area: The geographical area that a customer may call without incurring toll charges. MORE

Metro Area

Technology / Television (TV) / Metro Area: A U.S. Government definition: the counties that comprise each Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. MORE

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

Technology / Cell Phones / Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): One of 306 geographic regions, primarily urban areas, in the United States that are used as license areas in the cellular frequency band. Originally, two wireless operators were licensed in each MSA. MORE