Entertainment / Golf / Executive Course: A golf course with very short holes, mostly par 3's and short par 4's
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Course Adjective Synonyms: path, way, orbit, route, run, track, ambit, line, circuit, passage
Course Noun Synonyms: movement, progress, headway, advance, progression, speed
Executive Noun Synonyms: chairman (of the board), director, managing director, chief executive, president, chief (executive officer), CEO, manager, head, leader, principal, administrator, official, supervisor, foreman, superintendent, overseer, boss, master, Mr. Big
Business / Agriculture / Mohair Recourse Loan Program: A program authorized by the emergency provisions of the FY1999 USDA appropriations act (P.L. 105-277, October 21, 1998) that makes interest-free recourse loans of $2.00 per pound on mohair produced pr MORE
Technology / Aviation / Magnetic Course: COMPASS COURSE ± deviation. MORE
Life Style / College / Non-Credit Courses: These are classes or courses that do not meet the requirements for a certificate or a degree at a given institution. Non-credit courses may serve one of several purposes: to explore new fields of stud MORE
Business / Finance / Nonrecourse: In the case of default, the lender has ability to claim assets over and above what the limited partners contributed. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Nonrecourse Loans: Farmers or processors participating in government commodity programs may pledge certain stored commodities as collateral and obtain a loan from the CCC at a commodity-specific, per-unit loan rate. The MORE
Business / Finance / Nonrecourse Loan: A loan taken by limited partners used to finance their portion of the partnership, which is secured by their ownership in the venture. MORE