Entertainment / Golf / Fade: A gently curving shot from left to right (right-handed player)
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Fade Noun Synonyms: (grow) dim or pale, grow faint, cloud (over), dull, bleach, whiten, etiolate, wash out, blanch or blench, discolour
Entertainment / Golf / Power Fade: (also 'slider') a slight curve from left to right for a right-handed player (usually thought of in terms of tee shots or long shots) MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Push Fade: A shot that is both a push and a fade, starting and curving to the right of the intended target line for right-handers MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Rain Fade: The loss of signal from the satellite during a heavy rain. This happens more or less to all DBS systems. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Cross-Fade: Akin to a dissolve, one sound fades out while the other fades in, resulting in a brief overlap. MORE