Entertainment / Golf / Fore: Used (usually yelled loudly) to warn golfers in range of the incoming flight of a ball
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Entertainment / Literature / Foreshadowing: Suggesting, hinting, indicating, or showing what will occur later in a narrative. Foreshadowing often provides hints about what will happen next. For instance, a movie director might show a clip in wh MORE
Business / Agriculture / Forest And Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act Of 1974 (RPA): Provides authority to the Forest Service to prepare and update an assessment every 10 years to inventory and monitor the status and trends of the forest lands and range lands in the National Forest Sy MORE
Business / Finance / Foreign Exchange Controls: Currency of another country. Abbreviated Forex. MORE
Business / Finance / Foreclosure: Financial forecasting is the process of estimating future financial performance. The projected financial performance of a business is measured by using pro-forma financial statements as well as other MORE
Business / Finance / Forecast Year: The month and year on which the forecast period begins. See also Forecast Year. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Forest Plans: Land and resource management plans for units of the National Forest System under the National Forest Management Act. The Act specifies a detailed process and numerous requirements, including public pa MORE