
Entertainment / Golf / Frequency: (also 'flex') a measurement of the relative flexibility, firmness, tension or strength of a club shaft
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Frequency Agility

Technology / Radar / Frequency Agility: Frequency agility refers to the radar's ability to rapidly change its operating frequency in a pseudo-random fashion to maintain a narrow instantaneous bandwidth over a wide operating bandwidth. MORE

Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): Inverse Document Frequency is a term used to help determine the position of a term in a vector space model. IDF = log ( total documents in database / documents containing the term ) MORE

Frequency Diversity

Technology / Radar / Frequency Diversity: Frequency diversity refers to the use of complementary radar transmissions or multiple radar systems operating cooperatively at different frequencies. MORE

Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar (FM CW Radar)

Technology / Radar / Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar (FM CW Radar): Frequency modulated continuous wave radar makes use of frequency modulation to allow the range of a target to be measured. MORE

Wave Frequency

Technology / Radar / Wave Frequency: The number of cycle of waves that passes a point in one second. Frequency is measure in hertz (hz). Wave frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength. MORE

Radio-Frequency Fingerprinting

Technology / Cell Phones / Radio-Frequency Fingerprinting: A process that identifies a cellular phone by the unique fingerprint that characterizes its signal transmission. RF fingerprinting is one process used to prevent cloning fraud, because a cloned phone MORE