
Entertainment / Golf / Fringe: (also called 'apron, collar, frog hair') the short grass that separates the putting green from rough or fairway
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Other Words for Fringe

Fringe Noun Synonyms: trimming, edge, edging, border, frill, flounce, ruffle, purfle, purfling, ruff, ruche or rouche, ricrac or rickrack, ornament, decoration, furbelow

Fringe Benefit

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Fringe Benefit: Employment benefits granted to employees in addition to their current base salary or wages (i.e., cash, merchandise, services, health insurance, pension plans, holidays, paid vacations, etc.). MORE

Clostridium Perfringens

Health / Disease / Clostridium Perfringens: A ubiquitous soil bacteria that can cause a deadly infection known as gas gangrene when it infects wounds. MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Bi-Refringence: Splitting of light passing through certain kinds of crystals into two rays at polarized right angles to each other. MORE