Frog Hair

Entertainment / Golf / Frog Hair: (also called 'apron, collar, fringe') the short grass that separates the putting green from rough or fairway
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Other Words for Hair

Hair Verb Synonyms: tresses, locks, mane, curls, ringlets, braids, plaits
Hair Noun Synonyms: hair's breadth, whisker, trifle, fraction, skin of one's teeth


Technology / Motorcycle / Hairpin: A very slow, tight, sometimes 180-degree, turn. MORE


Entertainment / Golf / Hairpiece: Another phrase for hitting the ball fat, or hitting the ground first - if one were able to freeze time at the right instant the divot might be laying over the top of the ball, reminiscent of a hairpie MORE


Business / Finance / Haircut: Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the issue is the second preferred bond of the company. MORE

Hair Side

Entertainment / Literature / Hair Side: The side of a sheet or parchment or vellum that once carried the animal's hair. It is generally darker and smoother than the flesh side, and it may carry markings such as pores or traces of hair folli MORE

Helmet Hair

Technology / Motorcycle / Helmet Hair: Wearing a motorcycle helmet tends to mess up one's hair. Removing the helmet usually leaves hair sticking out in all directions. This is called helmet hair. It can be minimized by use of special skull MORE

Mohair Recourse Loan Program

Business / Agriculture / Mohair Recourse Loan Program: A program authorized by the emergency provisions of the FY1999 USDA appropriations act (P.L. 105-277, October 21, 1998) that makes interest-free recourse loans of $2.00 per pound on mohair produced pr MORE