Entertainment / Golf / Grass Bunker: A depression in the gound, generally shaped like a sand-filled bunker but with grass (usually rough) instead
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Grass Noun Synonyms: inform, betray, give away, peach, squeal, snitch, squeak, tattle, rat on, sell out, blow the gaff, nark
Grass Adjective Synonyms: traitor, informer, stool-pigeon, stoolie, squealer, snitch, squeaker, rat, nark
Entertainment / Golf / Kikuyugrass: (also just 'kikuyu') very durable, creeping, wiry grass, originally from africa, often used in warm, dry regions MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Greenside Bunker: A bunker surrounding, or in close proximity, to the putting surface MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Grasslands: A type of unit designated by USDA and under Title II of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, permanently held by USDA as part of the National Forest System. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Pot Bunker: A small deep bunker, typically with steep sides, requiring a very steep angle of ascent to escape MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Short Grass: Another phrase for the fairway (in contrast to 'long grass' which would be the rough) MORE
Health / Herbs / Shavegrass (Horsetail herb): Stabilizes and strengthens lung membranes, effective in healing urinary tract infections. MORE