
Entertainment / Golf / Grind: 1. Maintaining or intensifying one's mental focus, similar to the expressions 'bear down' or 'stay focused' -- generally meaning to concentrate on every shot and not get distracted 2. (also 'custom grind') generic label referring to some proprietary iron head or sole shape, usually on forged irons -- could also refer to the fact that some players alter their own clubs (swing weight, flange shape, etc.) Using a grinding wheel
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Other Words for Grind

Grind Noun Synonyms: sharpen, whet, file, smooth, polish
Grind Adjective Synonyms: pound, powder, pulverize, abrade, crush, granulate, mill, grate, rasp, crumble, kibble, mash, triturate, bray, comminute
Grind Verb Synonyms: gnash, grit, grate


Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Grinder: A type of player known for his checking ability and work ethic; often associated with a player who is strong defensively, but who doesn't score many points. MORE


Entertainment / Tennis / Grinding: Playing out points with a series of shots from the baseline. Hitting and running down tennis balls with 100% of your being. Refusing to miss for however long it takes to win a point. MORE

Surface Grinding

Business / Machine Shop / Surface Grinding: The process of grinding flat surfaces on a surface grinding machine. With special setups, angular and form surfaces may also be ground. MORE