Entertainment / Golf / Hack: 1. (also 'chop') chopping violently at the ball 2. (also 'duffer, hacker, chop, chopper') a (usually) erratic and unskilled golfer whose technique is characterized by arm and hand oriented hitting at the ball rather than smooth swinging through the ball 3. Unskillful and erratic golf shots or play in general
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Hack Noun Synonyms: plodder, drudge, toiler, menial, flunkey, lackey, slave, fag, grind, swot
Hack Verb Synonyms: cut, gash, slash, chop
Hack Adjective Synonyms: chop, hew, lacerate, gash, slash, cut, mangle, butcher, mutilate, ruin, destroy, smash, batter, damage, deface
Entertainment / Basketball / Hack-A-Shaq: A colloquial rhyme that comes from the term 'to hack,' common basketball slang meaning to commit a personal foul, and Shaq, being O'Neal's nickname. Famously used to hinder the scoring ability of Shaq MORE