Half Shot

Entertainment / Golf / Half Shot: (also 'half swing, knockdown, knockdown shot, punch, punch shot') a shot played with less than a full swing, mainly to control distance, trajectory and spin
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Other Words for Shot

Shot Noun Synonyms: marksman, markswoman, sharpshooter, sniper, rifleman
Shot Adjective Synonyms: discharge, shooting

Punch Shot

Entertainment / Golf / Punch Shot: (also 'punch, knockdown, knockdown shot, half shot') a shot played with less than a full swing, mainly to control distance, trajectory and spin MORE

Quality Shot

Entertainment / Bowling / Quality Shot: A shot in which everything, the approach, release etc all come together in perfect timing and balance. It has nothing to do with score or results. Quality shots, not pinfall, is your practice goal. MORE

Pull Shot

Entertainment / Bowling / Pull Shot: An erratic shot that goes off target towards the center or past the headpin. MORE

Pre-Shot Routine

Entertainment / Golf / Pre-Shot Routine: Procedure prior to hitting a golf shot, usually thought of as a consistent sequence (see my article on the pre-shot routine) MORE

Power Lay-Up Shot

Entertainment / Basketball / Power Lay-Up Shot: A lay-up used when closely guarded. MORE

Re-Establishing Shot

Technology / Television (TV) / Re-Establishing Shot: A long shot which once again positions the character(s) within the environment of the scene, helping to re-establish character and/or setting: also used as a transitional device. MORE