Entertainment / Golf / Handicap: (abbr: 'hcp, hdcp', related: 'handicap differential, handicap index, index') the average difference between a player's scores and a set standard, as calculated by specified procedures and formulas (more detail)
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Handicap Noun Synonyms: hindrance, restraint, encumbrance, restriction, limitation, impediment, barrier, bar, obstacle, (stumbling) block, constraint, check, curb, trammel, disability, disadvantage
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Handicapped Individual: Based on the definition provided by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, an individual is 'handicapped' if he or she has: a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Callaway Handicap System: (also 'callaway scoring system') a system of creating 'fair' handicaps for a one-time event in which many players do not have verifiable or established handicaps (more on tournament formats) MORE