Entertainment / Golf / Heavy: Another word for fat
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Heavy Adjective Synonyms: weighty, ponderous, massive, massy, compact, dense
Science / Chemistry / Heavy Water: Water that contains 2H, rather than 1H. Heavy water is about 11% denser than ordinary water. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Heavy Metal: Rock style that gained popularity in the 1970s, characterized by simple, repetitive ideas and loud, distorted instrumental solos. MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Heavy (Ball): A ball hit with so much topspin that it feels 'heavy' when the opposing player strikes it. MORE
Science / Astrology / Heavy Planets: A term used to refer to the slower-moving whose influece is considered more serious ('heavier') than the other planets. They are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Heavy-Stress Rhyme: Another term for a masculine ending in a rhyme. MORE
Life Style / Coffee / Heavy Roast: Also known as French Roast and Spanish Roast. Terms for coffee brought to degrees of roast considerably darker than the American norm: may range in color from dark brown (see Espresso Roast) to nearly MORE